Joining a church like ours is a big but wonderful step.
None of us at the OLUK community were born into it. All of us came from somehere else. Most of us were former Catholics. We were either still going to chruch but realized the church had changed in ways that left us feeling uncomfortable and we needed a change, or we long ago had fallen away from Catholicism but wanted to return to a place that was now more aligned with our values. Some of us were Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodist or from other reformed traditions looking for something different. A few had no religious background at all.
All of us were and are seeking a deeper spirituality that is aligned with Gospel values. All of us longed for an accepting and affirming spiritual home but one that worshiped in a liturgical and sacramental way.
And then we found OLUK and we remember taking that first step to join a new community. So now, we want to do what we can to make your journey towards us wonderful. You are coming home to friends.
What Can I Expect?
First of all, we are new and small but determined and growing. We are a diverse group. Our Sunday worship is Catholic and liturgical which means we follow the ancient rituals of songs, prayers, responses, readings from Scripture, sermon, and Holy Communion. That said we use the responses at Catholic Mass from a few years ago. We are a welcoming community and invite you to use whatever term for God that feels right to you. All are welcome to receive communnion as long as you approach with reverence. Most of us dress casually for Mass. Kids are of course welcome too.
Let us Know You’re Coming!
We suggest that your first step be just show up!! Come in person to our beautiful chrufch or attend Mass online. When you arrive you will be welcomed as our guest.
Meanwhile we offer five ways to make further contact with us:
send us an email
join our mailing list
become an affiliate parishioner
become affiliate clergy
formally join our praish
Please select the level of participation below that is right for you.
Privacy Policy
We realize that when you share your enrollment data with us you are trusting us to use it appropriately. It is therefore the policy of Our Lady Undoer of Knots Community that data provided to us is kept in strictest confidence. It is used for pastoral, administrative and planning purposes only. We do not share the information you provide with anyone.